Please report all absences within 48 hours after the day(s) missed. After 2 school days, the absence will be recorded as unexcused per SVVSD policy.
To excuse your student:
When a student is absent or tardy, a parent/guardian should call the attendance line (720-494-3931)or preferrably, Email: [email protected] to notify the school.
When leaving a phone message, please state and spell your student’s name, the reason for their absence/tardy and the date(s) that should be excused. Email is preferred, if possible, to prevent connection issues and trouble hearing some voicemails. Email is continually checked throughout the day.
When a student needs to leave school early, please let us know a few hours ahead so that we have time to send them a pass to leave their classroom. You do not need to come in to sign them out or to sign them back in. Your email or call is all that is needed for excusal. We do verify that the email address and phone number is from a parent/guardian. Students may not call themselves in. (Even if they are 18)
If you know in advance that your student will be missing 3 or more days of school, please have them pick up a Prearranged Absence Form located in the front office.
***If your student was marked absent or tardy from a class that you believe was a mistake, you must email that teacher (not the office) to inquire about it. Their teacher will notify the office if any changes should be made.
Please note that if your student is enrolled either at the CETC or the Innovation Center, you will need to contact those schools for attendance needs. We do not have the ability to access their attendance.
Thanks in advance for your support and your help by ensuring that your student is prompt in arriving to all classes each day.
NHS Attendance Clerk
Kris Bart