Advanced Placement & Honors

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

For current AP students & families, please refer to this NHS AP Guide for helpful information, including:

  • Test schedule
  • Test fees
  • Preparing for Test Day

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a rigorous academic program that allows students to take college-level coursework while they’re still in high school and potentially earn college credit and placement. Use the NHS Course Catalog for updated course offerings & descriptions. 

Within the first two weeks of school, students will join a digital AP classroom, which will automatically register them for the AP exam in May. The cost of each AP exam is subject to change from year to year. Additional costs may apply for late payments, cancellations, etc. Students who are eligible for the SVVSD Educational Benefits program qualify for a reduced exam fee.

Keep in mind

  • AP courses require a significant time commitment 
  • Summer work may be assigned
  • Students who register for AP courses are expected to remain in the course for the duration of the course (either semester or year) – exceptions to this will require administrative approval and will only be made in extenuating circumstances
  • If a student does not wish to take the exam, they must email the AP coordinator and copy their parent/guardian on the email stating they do not plan to take the AP exam. 

Below are a few samples of how colleges and universities can award credits: 

Niwot High School