Category: Curriculum

National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Information and Schedule Impacts

Dear Students and Families: St. Vrain Valley Schools remains committed to providing postsecondary college and career opportunities that will give students a strong competitive advantage for their future. To this end, St. Vrain is providing the 2024-25 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) on October 9, 2024. Each high school will administer the NMSQT to […]

Advanced Placement for All: Elevating Educational Excellence in St. Vrain Valley Schools

In the landscape of contemporary education, the St. Vrain Valley School District stands out for its ambitious and successful “AP for All” initiative. This program is not just about providing access to Advanced Placement (AP) courses; it’s about redefining educational excellence and creating a culture of high achievement and inclusivity. The Essence of AP for […]

Niwot High School