Register Now for Your AP Exams

Dear Parents and Guardians of AP students,

Thank you for registering for Advanced Placement (AP) coursework and giving your student a head start on postsecondary readiness and career preparation. Last year, St. Vrain students took 4,106 Advanced Placement exams, potentially saving families up to $4,000,000 in future college tuition costs.

The AP exam payment window is now open until November 8. Families can pay online using RevTrak or make cash or check payments directly to your high school. Please note, College Board imposes a $40 late fee on any exams ordered after the fall registration window.  The AP exam registration process is outlined in this presentation.

Throughout the year, we will continue to share more information about AP resources and support to ensure that your student gets the most out of their AP experience. If you have any questions or need assistance with exam registration, please contact your high school’s counseling office. 


St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Assessment Team

Niwot High School