Summer Curriculum and Activities

The St. Vrain Curriculum Department has compiled a number of online resources for students to continue engaging in learning activities over the summer. 

Elementary School Resources


A menu of resources for grade level mathematics content review & reinforcement, games, puzzles, and non-routine tasks. The interactive games and puzzles promote mathematical thinking in unique and engaging ways.

Language Arts

A combination of reading, writing, and foundational skills practice using fiction and nonfiction texts. Activities integrate grade-level standards-based tasks using student-selected texts from home, MyOn, or Sora. 

Social Studies

Travel the world from your couch!  Grade appropriate activities that include virtual reality, video, texts, games, and hands-on activities to inspire students to learn about the world through various experiences


Mystery Science provides ready-made science mysteries for elementary school students. Each lesson contains a central mystery, discussion questions, supplemental reading, and a hands-on activity.

Middle School Students


A menu of resources for grade level mathematics content review & reinforcement, games, puzzles, and non-routine tasks. The interactive games and puzzles promote mathematical thinking in unique and engaging ways.


Language Arts

  • District Digital Library (Sora App on iOS and Android) with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction titles. Consider pairing with your local public library’s summer reading challenge. Recommendation of 20 minutes per day.
  • This Scholastic article offers help on discussing reading at home.
  • Commit as a family to write one letter each week to a friend or loved one.
  • If your child is new to letter writing, this article offers a helpful introduction.

Social Studies

Travel the world from your couch!  Grade appropriate activities that include virtual reality, video, texts, games, and hands-on activities to inspire students to learn about the world through various experiences


Grade-band appropriate learning activity for every day of the week.


High School Students


A menu of resources for grade level mathematics content review & reinforcement, games, puzzles, and non-routine tasks. The interactive games and puzzles promote mathematical thinking in unique and engaging ways.

Language Arts

  • Daily JSTOR Read offers a daily selection of articles on a wide variety of topics.
  • Consider committing to a daily, every-other-day, or weekly family article – alternating who gets to choose, and discuss as a family at mealtime or via texting thread.
  • District Digital Library (Sora App on iOS and Android) with a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction titles. Consider pairing with your local public library’s summer reading challenge.Recommendation of 20 minutes per day.
  • This Scholastic article offers help on discussing reading at home.
  • Commit as a family to write one letter each week to a friend or loved one.
  • If your child is new to letter writing, this article offers a helpful introduction.

Social Studies

Travel the world from your couch!  Grade appropriate activities that include virtual reality, video, texts, games, and hands-on activities to inspire students to learn about the world through various experiences


Resources sorted by Science discipline.


Niwot High School