New! NHS Parent Book Club

Niwot High School will be starting its first Parent Book Club this semester! The book club is open to all NHS parents. There will be two one hour discussions, one on Thursday, April 2nd from 4pm to 5pm, and the other, on Monday, April 13th from 6pm to 7pm. Both discussion dates will cover the same information, so only one meeting is necessary to attend. The group will be led by Assistant Principal, Susan Burnett and School Counselor, Amy Foote. The book we will be reading this semester is Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel Siegel.

“Between the ages of 12 and 24, the brain changes in important, and oftentimes maddening, ways. It’s no wonder that many parents approach their child’s adolescence with fear and trepidation. According to renowned neuropsychiatrist Daniel Siegel, however, if parents and teens can work together to form a deeper understanding of the brain science behind all the tumult, they will be able to turn conflict into connection and form a deeper understanding of one another.

In Brainstorm, Siegel illuminates how brain development impacts teenagers’ behavior and relationships. Drawing on important new research in the field of interpersonal neurobiology, he explores exciting ways in which understanding how the teenage brain functions can help parents make what is in fact an incredibly positive period of growth, change, and experimentation in their children’s lives less lonely and distressing on both sides of the generational divide.”

The book can be found at your local library, or purchased via Amazon. If you purchase the book on Amazon, remember to use Niwot’s AmazonSmile program. (Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the Education Foundation for the St. Vrain Valley whenever you shop on AmazonSmile: ).

See you in April! 

Niwot High School